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“I have had 2 healing sessions, astrology chart/ reading and attended a  class with Suzanne.  She is kind, compassionate and a gifted healer.  At my last healing session I didn't tell her that I was suffering for 3 MONTHS with severe case of eczema. The doctor put me on a very high dose of steroids and it did not work.  Suzanne worked her magic, removed blockages in my chakras.  Within 3 DAYS it cleared up. I am so grateful."   -Elizabeth E.       August 2019

"Visiting with you was definitely one of two highlights of my vacation, actually of my Life!!   I can't properly express the transformation that began even minutes after my energy healing.   The beautiful, peaceful feeling grew throughout the following days and continues to do so now.  AND, I had a breakthrough with my meditations, reaching higher levels than before.  You made it possible for me to reach this higher level and removed the heavy sadness in my heart.   ♥♥♥♥  Thank you for your help with my healing!!       I have been transformed for the higher good."   -Rowena        August  2019

"I went for a healing with Suzanne and I felt really light afterwards, it was an amazing experience. I would highly recommend it. Suzanne is awesome, so upbeat and positive. She accurately tuned into my energy and told me about things only I would know. Amazing confirmation. I felt like a different person walking out of her healing room. There are no words to describe how great I felt. I feel stronger emotionally, and like I can take on the world and nothing scares me or bothers me. Incredible!"     -Maria A.  July 2019

"Suzanne is an amazing woman ‘Who Can’ do it all!   A healer and medium with the pure intention and integrity that is becoming lost in this genre. I had a wonderful experience at my healing session where Suzanne used her crystal grid and aura accuracy to chart my progress for me to see.   I felt weightless and lifted as a wave of peace came over me."  -Kelly W  July 2019

"My daughter suffers from depression. For 9 years she has struggled.  Meds and counseling has helped.. kept it at bay.  But recently she slipped back in, having breakdown after breakdown and I cringed at the thought of having to increase meds, or worse yet, change meds. ..   During the healing, my daughter shed quiet tears and kept moving her right hand, she felt someone was holding it.  She said it was 'a crazy amazing experience.'   She was absolutely glowing afterwards.  For a couple days she still seemed a little down, as Suzanne said she might, but then on day 3.. WOW!  Happiness returned to her soul… bright eyes, genuine smile, and a positive energy when she speaks!  So happy. Thank you Suzanne!"   June 2019

"Having never had any type of healing session before, I wasn't sure what to expect. ... From the moment the session started, there were times I felt "things leaving my body". I don't quite know how to put it into words, but I actually felt the release of the negative energies leaving me. ... I highly recommend this healing's left me feeling fantastic!  -Debbie       "You are amazing at this kind of healing. Amazing!!!!"   Jelinka  May 2019

"Suzanne connected with my loved ones, removed blockages and healed me. I feel lighter and have less muscle tension. She is kind, compassionate and knew things that I did not tell her. Thank You Suzanne."  -E.

"That thing behind my left eye - you picked it up 3 separate times - [after going to have it checked out] It's a lesion on my brain.   ...your healings have been so helpful ... I am doing way better then they think I should.  I wanted to say thank you and let you know how right on you were!"    J.

"what I'm experiencing from yesterday's reading/healing is POWerful...  worth every penny to have my energy be going through THIS kind of re-shuffle." -Marcia

“...I’ve had healings done before people. But NOTHING EVEN CLOSE TO THIS!    I felt, I saw, SHE RELEASED SO MUCH FROM ME!!!  I literally felt my insides moving as she healed the areas that needed it. My lips and forehead went crazy with shaking —  I poured out tears and not just your regular tears, but the deep cry and had my ugly tears going, it only lasted momentarily but felt amazing to release it.   The visions I saw were absolutely incredible.  

HappyShack energy class


"Suzanne is glowing. Her loving energy so vibrant. Amazing astrologer. I have been to a handful of healers and I am starting to understand they all have different gifts to offer. Suzanne read my birth chart as well as tuned into my energy using her psychic gifts & I couldn't believe how 100% accurate it was. She allowed me to record my session and then she e-mailed me my birth chart & my current astrology chart. I felt it was totally worth the investment spent and looking forward to seeing her for a healing."  -Deanna P.  July 2019

"During my reading Monday I was told I'd run into extra income- not of what I make from work, but something extra. 

    Well Tuesday morning I randomly won $500" -Lathea

"AMAZING on the birth chart! Seriously - super accurate and totally me to a T. Definitely explains alot - 'I was born this way' for real haha! ... 

If you're thinking about having Suzanne do your birth chart--GO FOR IT!" - Katie 

"OMG so spot on!! Couldn’t believe the accuracy &  details she got into, very amazed with the whole  reading!! Strongly suggest you give it a try, you’ll be in awe of what she has to say - the insights & advice given were awesome !!  She even emails you the birth chart & report when she  is done so that you have a copy of everything she went over.  Thank you for everything Suzanne!!" -G.P.

"I highly recommend Suzanne Suchan! I was really struggling with a complete loss of connection too everything and drifting into a depression when I reached out to her. Her words of wisdom, reading, and information were much needed and seriously appreciated! Cosmic knowledge rocks! " -Jessica

"Many heartfelt thanks to you Suzanne, for the phenomenal reading and birth chart that I got today.  It's like a goldmine of insight and I'm excited to dig as deep as I can!   I've been in such a state of turmoil for these past several months and my first glance over this is so spot on that I am feeling hopefulness that I haven't had in far too long!   You are a blessing to me, thank you!" -Becky

"Suzanne is super knowledgeable and very present and focused on the person in front of her. I learned so much about myself through my birth chart (astrology). Suzanne is wonderful!" -Amy

"What an absolute pleasure to have Suzanne read our cards and charts so much fun and so accurate. We will have her back again.... amazing. u Suzy." -Lynn

"There were many places in the information that was 100% accurate. I felt like i was reading a book entitled “all about me”. Thank you Suzanne for your generosity and gifts." -Gail

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