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Suzy Woo survivor of domestic violence

Awesome to meet you!

I'm so happy you found me! I'm the Rev Suzy Woo, B.Msc.; a Holistic Healing Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Sound/Vibrational Practitioner, Holistic Psychotherapist/ Spiritual Consultant, Astrologer, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Leader and Instructor. 

I'm a Leo, and love people. I love to entertain. I love laughter, and to inspire people.

Your whole life's story is alive in a field about 6 feet from your body. Unhealed conditions such as poverty, unavailable parents; having limiting beliefs, low self-worth, and/or negative life events causing trauma and loss, lead to energy imbalances resulting in unwanted outcomes, including health problems. These imbalances are audibly detectable using tuning forks, and as a sensitive, I can read and tell you about them. If you like, I can bring you to an energetic bandwidth where you can release and heal from them.

I combine my super-extensive training with strong divine guidance, and 14 years of experience to provide healing at levels that Reiki and conventional therapies cannot reach.

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My Story

Hi, thank you so much for being here!

As a Scorpio Ascendant:  Yes I have seen, and lived in, the depths of hell; and lived to tell.  I was a victim of domestic violence, for 22 years. But today, I am a victor.

I had to dig to find myself again, and then dig deeper to understand “why?”

After starting life completely over at age 39, I rekindled my love of astrology.  I was floored to discover certain astrological markers and patterns in the charts of people that exhibit criminal behaviors! Likewise for those who are empaths. I was super blown away when I did the chart for the day I got married. It spelled horrible loss of power, and manipulation for the next several years! It was in my chart!

I went on to study psychology, behavior therapy; neuro linguistic programming, as well as metaphysical studies, getting my Bachelor’s in Metaphysical Science in April 2018. I'm close to receiving my Master's and then pursuing my Doctorate.

Naturally falling in to the mix came crystals, along with crystal healing therapy certification, numerology, and energy  healing.  Starting with Anodea Judith and Donna Eden, and blasting to infinity with Jerry Sargeant as I became certified and accredited with Star Magic Healing, a very powerful quantum healing modality that goes to the source of one's perceived problems, perhaps from many lifetimes ago, and recreates one's story, allowing them to step fully into their own sovereign power.

I started writing workshops on becoming happy, overcoming grief, recovering from PTSD,  and continued my metaphysical exploration.; and started doing professional psychic readings at events and holistic venues in 2014.

In July 2018, I opened my private practice.  In April 2019, I left my corporate job at the IRS for good and went full time.

I've created and hosted several radio shows and a television show - you can check those out under 'About.'

In 2019 I leveled up my skills with a trip to England for an INTENSE advanced facilitator training from Jerry Sargeant, then led a workshop at The Wellness Universe's "SoulTreat" event in Sedona. People experienced incredible healing!

In 2020 my practice exploded and I opened a crystals shop.

In 2021 I relocated my family to a rural location, and my businesses to beautiful Ellicottville, New York; nestled in the mountains. 


My spiritual comprehension has increased a billion-fold and as silly as it sounds, when I'm working, I don't have to think anymore... I just open my mind, and channel the answers. I follow my guidance to heal people. It works no matter where you are, whether in person, over video, or completely remote, it works! 

Domestic Violence

For 22 years, the person who promised and vowed his love and protection, was the same person that I needed protection from.  I was degraded, hit and humiliated before my children. My husband raped me. He said I looked pretty when I cried.  My marriage took me to some horrible, deep, dark places that taught me how to leave my body.

He scowled into my face, and said if I ever left him again, he would kill my family and then kill me. I was scared to leave and scared to stay.  Feeling voiceless, depleted and defeated, I became isolated from society and "lost" my identity.  

I had to put on my happy face mask every day I went to work, and often had to hide under layers of make-up, big sunglasses and turtlenecks.  When home, I was unable to be with or talk to my own kids alone.  

​After breaking free, I was numb.  I had no clue how to fit back in with society. I didn't know who my kids really were, as people, and they didn't know the real me.  But, neither did I.  

I didn't know who I was anymore, and that was terrifying!  

I had to dig deep to uncover the original me. Then, I lost my job.  At that moment, I made a decision to take control of my life and start my own (IT) business. 

I am renewed, recharged, realigned, and on top of my game!  I turned my torture into a torch to light the way for others going through defeating times.

The bricks hurled at me became a foundation of experience to stand on - I learned not to let decades of abuse make me bitter, but better! As in, unstoppable!  My first regular radio show used the moniker, "Pied Piper of Positive!"

Take the first step now, to change your life. Shift your perspective and live from LOVE rather than FEAR.

Go from being a spectator in your life, to an active participant, the star, of your life.  

You can't change what happened, but you can change what happens next!  

Is that a smile I see?

wearing a mask due to domestic violence

Let's Work Together

I'm always open for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.  :)

Thanks for submitting!

Accreditations, Certifications & Memberships

Suzy Woo Star Magic Facilitator
Suzy Woo Level 2 Star Magic Facilitator

NCGR Chapter President, Tri-State: Upstate NY, PA, OH 

Instructor, Lily Dale - the World's Largest Spiritualist Community

          Star Magic Healing Accredited Facilitator

Star Magic Healing Level 2 Advanced Facilitator

Certified Past Life Regression Therapist

Certified Sound Healer

Certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Practitioner

US East coast distributor, AuraFit system

(the biofeedback device I use that reads your aura/chakrss)

Member of Professional StellarWaves Practitioners

   (Crystal Light Therapy Healing Bed 5.0)

Bachelor's Degree in Metaphysical Science

Bachelor's of Ministry

Diploma in Social Psychology

Diploma in Crystal Healing Therapy

Ordained Minister by the International Metaphysical Ministry

Ordained Minister by Universal Life Church


President's Volunteer Service Award (for Junior Achievement)

Humanitarian Award (from NY PEER Mental Health Policymaker's Annual Meeting)


Member of:

International Spiritualist Federation

NCGR: National Council for Geocosmic Research

ISAR:  International Society for Astrological Research

LCAA: Lake County Astrological Association

Ellicottville Chamber of Commerce

​Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce

I have studied, studied with, or trained with:

Jerry Sargeant, Star Magic Healing

Gene Ang, The Arcturian Method

Donna Eden

ShadowFox and Lee Two Hawks


Rick Levine, Debra Silverman, AstroViktorAstroLada, Nadiyah Shah,

Brian Colter, The Leo King, Esoteric Sky, Kesenya Moore, Pam Gregory, Bracha Goldsmith, Debra Silverman, Esoteric Sky, Molly McCord 

Rumen Kolev, Krasi Attasio: Ancient Babylonian Astrologers


Astrologers, Psychic Mediums

Cassandra Butler, Rev. Ellen Bourn, Rev. Angie Abt

John Holland, James VanPraagh

Munay Ki: Sharon Ramel

Sound Healing

Eileen McCusick (Tuning the Biofield/forks), Vickie Gould, Life Changing Energy, Peter Hess (Sound/Vibration Massage Therapy, the Peter Hess Method)

Jill Mattson, Jill's Wings of Light (Sound/Music, Crystal Skulls)

Channelers: Lee Carroll (Kryon), Magenta Pixie, Lee Harris, Alicia Power

Light Language:Jamye Price, Yvonne Perry, Daniel Scranton, Abraham Hicks

In addition to the above, the following are important influences of mine:

Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden

Nassim Haramein, Lynne McTaggart

Laura Eisenhower, Jen McCarty, Corey Goode

Where it started to click for me: David Wilcock - The Source Field Investigations

Certified Life Coach by Mindvalley/Evercoach 

Certified Holistic Practitioner

Certified Crystal Healing Therapist

Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Certified

Neuro-linguistics Programming (NLP) Certified

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Certified 

Cacao Ceremony Certified Facilitator

Color Therapy Certified

Source Code Meditation Training, Chicago 2023

Suzy Woo Certified Sound Healer
Suzy Woo Expert Sound Healer
Suzy Woo Sound Therapist
Suzy Woo Sound Therapy Tuning Forks Frequency Healer
Suzy Woo MindValley Life Coach Certified
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