Jupiter in Pisces Alchemic Spiritual Oil
It was channeled by my Spiritual Guides to assemble this first alchemy oil as a means to assist others in becoming calm and connect with their higher self, their angels and guides and/or loved ones on the other side.
Safe for topical use, or in your bath water or diffuser to help bring a sense of peace and ease. Fantastic aid to bring about a calm, meditative state.
This special bundle comes packaged in a real coconut shell and includes a Shiva Eye Crystal shell, all go hand in hand to bring forth a feeling of love, comfort and compassion for yourself and towards all of Creation.
The bottles of thie blend alchemized inside of Titus, my 49 pound hollow quartz and chlorite crystal skull.
See the full package insert here and order yours today!
DEC 18 2023: I'm very sorry, these are currently sold out.
I will be making more!